Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Using ILWIS Open Source

World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) has published two books about GIS and PJ in PDF format which can be downloaded free of charge. The first book is "Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Using ILWIS Open Source" and the second book is "Spatial Analysis for Integrated Planning Using ILWIS Open Source".

ICRAF through Rebuilding Green Infrastructure project (ReGrIn) in cooperation with the Agency of West Aceh has conducted training of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing (PJ) using ILWIS open source software for the management of natural resources (SDA). The second book is published training materials. The material is divided into two: the first book aimed at providing basic technical provisions PJ and SIG, while the second book is more geared kepana PJ and GIS applications for spatial planning and landscape-based natural resource management.
In the first book "Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Using ILWIS Open Source" begins with the basic concepts are followed by the introduction of ILWIS software, which is a software remote sensing and GIS as well as open source. Chapters 4 and 5 cover on the input and output data from other systems into ILWIS and vice versa. The process of preparing images for subsequent processing (pre-processing) are discussed in chapters 6 and 7. Satellite image processing, image interpretation in this case into classes according to our needs, outlined in chapters 8 and 9. The last chapter briefly give some examples of advanced analysis based on the results obtained from image processing.
The second book "Spatial Analysis for Integrated Planning Using ILWIS Open Source" begins with the basic principles of planning with a variety of spatial analysis required for process planning (chapters 3-8). Subsequent chapters will discuss the analysis in the planning stages and several case studies that are strung together on stage. Data, examples and case studies drawn from West Aceh training materials, but the technique, phase analysis and scenarios and problems of representing circumstances most rural areas in Indonesia.