Review Nutrition Facts

Of all the food you eat every day, did you ever calculate how much nutrition into our bodies, from the amount of calories, fat, carbohydrate, protein, cholesterol levels, to vitamins?]
It was rare among us who observe. In fact, to maintain the vitality of the body and prevent diseases, such things should be more attention. For example, the number of calories in should equal or not too much different with out the calories while doing everyday activities. If not balanced, it is possible our bodies would appear excessive calories and fat that is harmful to health. How do we know the calorie content in foods? One way to read the nutrition facts table (nutrition facts). This table is generally printed on food packaging. But, if not, the application can be a guide Nutrition Facts alternatives. In a statement on its website, Nutrition Facts 7519 contains a list of nutrition facts of various kinds of food. Remarkably, all provided by Michael Silver (application developers) for free. To find the nutritional content of food, you just type in the name of the food in the search field. Data shown is very comprehensive, ranging from general to detailed nutrition such as vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids. One type of food may consist of several different types, such as rice (nasi) are available in a choice of "rice, brown" and "rice, white". More specific classification is also available, among others, include how to cook and salt content. Details like this is important for people who are on a diet program or are reducing the intake of salt / sugar. It is noteworthy, data and keyword search in this application is entirely in English. Because it was developed in the U.S., the list refers to any food ingredients commonly found in the menu there so do not expect to find local specialties Indonesia. *** Concerned about nutrition into the body is not only important for the "sick", but also for people who feel healthy. Nutrition Facts may be one of the guides to find out the nutritional content of the materials in the food you eat. Specification Free Types Installer size 8.07 MB Download site Operating system Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Server 2003/Vista/7 Plus: The application is simple; search results appear quickly, very complete nutritional data. Minus: List of foods that most menus are in the U.S.; Unable to add / edit the data manually.