National Seminar on Nuclear Technology VIII HR 2012

College of Nuclear Technology-BATAN invite you to the researchers, academics, commentators, students to participate in the National Seminar on Nuclear Technology VIII HR 2012. theme Preparation of HR Technology Environmental and Nuclear Safety Cultured Plans Time and Place All activities will take place for one day, Wednesday, October 31, 2012, 8:00 to 17:00 pm, in Meeting Rooms 2 & 3 Floor, PTAPB-BATAN, Jl. Babarsari, Yogyakarta. Important Dates 24 September 2012 postponed to October 8, 2012: Deadline for paper collection October 24, 2012: Announcement of accepted papers, the deadline for payment of the participation fee. October 31, 2012: Implementation Seminar Template papers downloaded here Detailed information and the application form can be downloaded from the leaflet pendaftara seminar here or contact the committee as follows. secretariat Maria Christina P., M.Eng. or Budi Suhendro, SST. College of Nuclear Technology - BATAN Jl. Post Office Box 6101 YKBB Babarsari Yogyakarta 55281 Tel: 0274-484085, 489716, Fax. 0274-489715 Hp: 0813 280 90 947 (SMS) - 0888 285 3010 (SMS) E-mail: